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The little Christmas tree

Every year, around the middle of December, in a snow covered field along a quiet country road, a little Christmas tree decorated with a tin foil star and a lone red ornament appears.  At sunset, a solar battery powers a single strand of white Christmas lights that shine brightly in the darkness of the surrounding…

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Another Nor’easter

In my neck of the woods, snowstorms are a common occurrence.  Six inches of snow is just a dusting.  Twelve inches of snow is a nuisance.  Eighteen inches of snow is a slight inconvenience.  Even a Nor’easter that dumps twenty inches of snow and knocks out the power for a few days is taken in…

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BRAmageddon Part III – Busty and Gusty

The morning started out with a slight breeze.  The flag at the barn danced gracefully in the wind.  The hay in the field gently swayed.  A few leaves tumbled from the oak trees.  Even the cows were blissfully unaware of the bad weather on the horizon. Lately, our local weatherman has consistently missed the mark…

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Nobody wants a bee-hind full of nettles 

Over the years, the old-timer-up-the-road has given me a lots of advice… albeit, mostly ridiculous advice, but advice nonetheless. “Never get involved with the mafia,” he whispered to me one day in the barn, peeking over the back of a cow.  “Whaaaaat?” I replied incredulously, as my eyes rolled around a little.  “Hush, girly,” was…

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SNOWmageddon and the last loaf of bread

STELLAAAA! STELLLLLAAAAAAA!! The afternoon before the storm, the local forecast had people whipped into a frenzy. Schools closed, businesses shut down and the governor declared a state of emergency in anticipation of Stella. All this sent hoards of preppers to the grocery store for the customary storm supplies: milk and bread.  I, however, thought that…

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Peacock paranoia

I was making my way down a dusty back road, minding my own business, when I was startled by an Unknown Flying Object that swooped down across the hood of my SUV. I hit the brakes, came to a stop and threw the vehicle in park. “Holy sh*t, was that a dog?” I blurted out…

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WPC: The little white church

The little white church in my small town has just a handful of members now.  It has, however, miraculously managed to keep its doors open.  Many of the small churches around here have long been shuttered.  A few have been lucky enough to find a second life as office space or storage. It’s sad when…

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Dear Range Rover Driver

Dear Range Rover Driver, Thank you for frantically waving your hands at me and banging your steering wheel while we waited at the red light that clearly stated NO TURN ON RED. I also appreciated you tailgating me while simultaneously texting on your cell phone and trying to shove a hamburger in your mouth. You were…

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WPC: Future (Clydesdales)

Clydesdales are a breed of heavy draft horse that originated in Scotland.  They were originally used for heaving hauling in logging and mining camps and as a working farm animal.  In the mid-20th century, the Clydesdales went into decline and there were only 80 recorded Clydesdales in England in 1949.  In 1975, the breed was…