Spring refuses to arrive

Yesterday was officially the first day of spring.  Instead of being heralded with the arrival of geese and a crocuses poking through the thawing snow, we patiently sat through another winter snow storm. Having contracted an EXTREME case of cabin fever, I felt the only cure to my ailment was to lace up my winter…

Here we SNOW again

More snow is predicted for tomorrow {sigh}.   Fortunately, the cattle don’t even bat an eye at the snow and colder temperatures.  They constantly turn down the opportunity to be in the barn and choose, instead, to bed down by the round bale feeder. The donkeys tell you what they want:  outside when there is…

My juvenile delinquent goats

Ah, goats… nature’s garbage disposal and self-appointed farm vandals.  Given the opportunity, they will eat everything in their path. Mostly, it’s stuff I don’t want them to eat, like the bucket handle, the sprayer on the hose, the feed scoop, a roll of paper towels.  You get the picture.  With their incredibly sharp teeth and…