flea beetle damage - TheFarmersInTheDell.com

The bitter beetle battle

They came like thieves in the night and bushwhacked my tomatoes. {cue dramatic music} FLEA BEETLES… And so begins another chapter of the bitter beetle battle. Last summer, I successfully fought off an onslaught of Japanese beetles, only to be dealt a devastating defeat by the cucumber beetle.  Now, flea beetles have laid siege to…

Glass water jug lamp DIY

Long story short… I fell in love with a lamp at Pottery Barn.  However, the price was $170 and that didn’t include the shade.  Because I love old things more than I like new things,  I figured I could just make a lamp that looked like the one from Pottery Barn using an old glass…

Let’s preserve something

Very simply – I love to can.  For some reason I find it therapeutic.  I make a total disaster of the kitchen, but there’s nothing better than opening a fresh jar of tomatoes in the dead of winter.  Although somewhat time consuming, canning is relatively easy.  So hop on the canning band wagon and go…