WPC: state of mind (hopeful)

blossom - TheFarmersInTheDell.com

Mother Nature continues to hem-and-haw about what season it should be – even though the calendar clearly states that is it February.

blossom - TheFarmersInTheDell.com

The past few days, again, have been a mix of sleet, freezing rain, and snow followed by an un-seasonal warm-up.

blossom - TheFarmersInTheDell.com

Every creature and plant in this area has been in a state of perpetual seasonal confusion which can only be attributed to Mother Nature’s turbulent and cantankerous mood swings.

blossom - TheFarmersInTheDell.com

All we can do is grin and bear it, as she continues to prove that her restless state-of-mind shall dictate our weather and we are powerless to do anything but hope for spring.

9 thoughts on “WPC: state of mind (hopeful)

  1. Pingback: WPC: State of Mind (Valley) | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?

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